Finally ...
I'm aware that icing your testicles on a daily basis is not practical for most men, so we've come up with an excellent alter native. Keep a wide mouthed cup or jar in your bathroom, and take it with you into the shower.
Just before the shower ends, turn the water down to the coldest setting, and fill the container.Then ...Submerge your testicles into the cup for approximately 60 seconds, dry off, put on your loose fitting clothing, and then get on with your day.This method is quick, simple, effective, and very sustainable over the long haul.

Sexual Visualization

Primates exposed to sexually explicit material see testosterone levels spike by as much as 400 percent. The problem is, testosterone is an estrogen precursor, so a massive spike of this caliber, often results in an estrogen spike of equal proportions. But we've found a solution to this problem that has proven to be very
Here's how the plan works ...
Prior to your visualization session, make it a point to consume any type of cruciferous vegetable. These can include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc ..Since this session is going to take place at night, I recommend adding one of these vegetables to your last meal of the day.Let me explain why you want to do this ....Cruciferous vegetables belong to the brassicaceae family. The family of plants that contain substantial amounts of the substance, 3,3'-diindolylmethane, an agent which acts as a potent estrogen antagonist.
Were going to use the compounds in these plants to prevent the estrogen rebound that normally occurs after a testosterone spike.1 cup of any cruciferous veggie will get this done in beautiful fashion.Next comes the testosterone spike! To get this, you can do one of two things ...Look at pornographic images on your computer, or look at these images in your mind. I recommend option number 2 for one essential reason ...
You can't take your computer to bed, but your brain goes to bed with you every night. This is important because you want these images moving through your brain just as you're falling a sleep.

Because the last thing on your mind before you nod off, is the thing you're most likely to dream about. And your goal here is to dream about sex, because, as we all know, when you dream about sex, you always wake up sexually motivated, and swimming in male hormones

Not convinced?

Then ask yourself this question ...
Have you ever had a night full of sex filled dreams, and not woken up with an erection .. not woken up horny?
I didn't think so! Moving on ....The plan here is very simple ... hold the sexual images in your mind as you drift off to sleep, and make it a point to keep them there until you're out. If you feel your mind drifting, gently shift your thoughts back to the main subject matter.Like anything else, the more you do this, the better you get at it.

In essence, what we're doing here is practicing a for m of self hypnosis,with the main goal being increased nocturnal testosterone production. Run through these drills every night for a week, and you'll discover first hand how potent this method can be.Here are two tips you can use to get the most out of this technique ...

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